I'm old enough to remember Star Trek in its first run as a "b" budget sci fi entertainment show at a time when there was little to see a positive world future about.
Spockisms made sense, were simple in wording but profound in meaning from the original pilot episode through the original Enterprise crews final voyage in Star Trek 6 where mortal enemies found common ground to make peace. Even in the remakes that ruined the original time path and meaning of the original series,Spock, because of Nimoys unwillingness to sell out, stayed true to his wise character and humble peace desiring nature. In the latter episodes of TNG he made cameo appearances in an attempt to bring peace between the federation and the romulins.
Though Spock was just a character, his legacy changed humanity in a positive way forever. When during his troubled times as a man, he never lost site of who the world saw him as and battled valiantly to stay a truly humble human being.
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