New Member
I wanted room post z problem I was having n how I resolved it on my droid 2. For no reason one day my ring tones all stopped working. When I would go to my setups n go to reset my notification ring tone the majority of my ring tones were all the same ringing sound no matter which tone I would try to set. I also went to several of my ring tone downloads n tried to download new ring tones only to get a reply of "cannot download this ringtone at this time" I got this error no matter which ringtonesite I went. After trying different things I finally found out what was causing the problem. Apparently when u download a live action wallpaper that has a 5 day limited full version as ur wallpaper n when the 5 days r up it causes ur ringtones todo exactly what I discribed above. Once I changed my live wallpage back ground my ringtones work just. Like there suppose to. Hope ymthis helps others.