Rezound now a brick


New Member
Aug 31, 2014
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Current Phone Model
HTC Rezound
I did a factory hard reset on my rezound and 30 seconds into the reset it turned into a brick. Any ideas why? Won't charge, no power light comes on. Just dead. Oh yeah, before it bricked the phone's battery was near dead and I hadn't charged it yet. No way of charging battery outside of buying a new one. No guarantees charged battery would help.
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Have you tried plugging it in to a PC via USB? Sometimes, the device does charge, but doesn't show any indication, such as an LED.
Have you tried plugging it in to a PC via USB? Sometimes, the device does charge, but doesn't show any indication, such as an LED.
I'll have to buy a cable to plug into my laptop. Even then no guarantee it'll work but worth a try.
I'll have to buy a cable to plug into my laptop. Even then no guarantee it'll work but worth a try.
They're online virtually free and in retail stores for $5 or so. It's worth trying to get a Rezound working.

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