Remove Shortcuts

[email protected]

New Member
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
I have duplicate shortcuts icons such as 3 browser Icons on my home page How do I remove 2 ofthe 3?

:welcome: to the forum dberry :D long press on the icon and after it vibrates move it down towards the app drawer until you see a red trash can appear and drop it there :D

Thanks for the quick response. Ok so I must be doing something wrong. When I drag the icon to the drawer it and the drawer turn red but the icon reappears at the same position on the homepage:mad:
Thanks for the quick response. Ok so I must be doing something wrong. When I drag the icon to the drawer it and the drawer turn red but the icon reappears at the same position on the homepage:mad:

Don't give up. Unless your phone is defective, it will work. However, in my experience different phones have slightly different sensitivity. Just wait for the slight vibration and the red trash can to appear, then move your finger to the trashcan without lifting your finger.

P.S. You didn't say how you ended up with duplicate icons on your screen, but it could be that your homescreen is confused and you're trying to delete an icon that isn't really active. Be sure the icon you're trying to delete is active by touching it. And if you haven't done so already, power cycle your phone.
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It worked! Thanks! 1 more thing, so how do I deletegames or other icons from the drawer?
Glad you got it figured out :D the only way to get the icon out is to uninstall the game. click menu>>>system settings>>>applications>>>>>click on the game and hit uninstall.