I could totally see how holding a cel-phone suspended in a paper towel would improve connectivity
- compared to holding it in your hand (where your hand is shielding the antenna), or
- compared to sitting on a desk (desk being lower elevation, and of more density than paper-towel).\
Simply lifting my M, from laying flat on my desk, improves signal quality from -96dBm to -87dBm and lifting a little higher above my LED monitor it improves to -82dBm (as I sit here typing). I can only imagine that in the video you reference; the phone in the paper towel has better line-of-sight to the cel tower, than from the comparison location ...?
First let me say, I don't think Motorola owes us a fix on the M related to connectivity, as others seem to complain (I would be pleased to see a new software technology update that improves how the device handles low quality radio signal though). I really like my M, but then again I understand every device does not do everything equally ... For what the M packs into it physical size and weight ..., I challenge any other device to offer so much overall performance and user configuration.
I think one of the main reasons people complain about connectivity issues (WiFi/4G/3G, etc.) on the Razr M, is because they don't understand how the "smart phone" operating system is set up to handle (control) all the various radios (voice, data, NFC, DLNA, etc.) and the various associated antenna in the device. They just want to turn it on (all on) and have it work. Example: they turn "everything" on and it works, but they don't understand and/or care why until something doesn't work (3G On + 4G ON + WiFi on - which one is actually being used when you connect to the internet ... most don't care to even try to understand and/or take some modicum of control). The M has a fairly minimal overlay interface for the operating system, meaning a lot of user control access (probably too much for most folks right out of the box). A fair amount of 3G & 4G connectivity issues also discussed in some of the "WiFi Issues" threads referenced below.
Review some of my thoughts/posts in these threads, and may help you to understand my comments above & give insight to your experiences and questions:
One of the basics, that sometimes gets changed (updates, maybe app's, sometimes default on new phone set to Global, etc.):
Settings / Wireless & Networks / More ... / Mobile Networks / Network Mode /
Preferred network mode "LTE/CDMA" (my user setting of choice, seems to be best for my usage).
Also, with regard to the specific "subject" of this thread:
Razr M vs Razr HD in non-4G/LTE areas
If you know you are living on the edge (or beyond) of good 4G connectivity, learn a method to
turn off 4G and only run 3G (manage the data radios), or turn them both off and run WiFi (college campus life is great example). Battery life improvements will be grand (not having 4G "always on" 24/7), connectivity issues related to 4G will be eliminated, life will be super. When you are in good 4G, turn it on and experience 28,000kbps + Download Speeds and 13,000kbps Upload Speeds like I have done in areas of good 4G.
Hopefully, some things to get you headed in the right direction based on your specifics.