RAM usage!!


New Member
Aug 9, 2015
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Current Phone Model
Samsung Galaxy S6
Hey guys, I'm a new member on here and have a question. I have just recently got my new Samsung S6, and naturally, have been playing about on it, and have noticed my RAM usage is sky high. Generally sitting about 85-90%, and in turn is killing my battery usage and making the phone run really slow. I don't have a huge amount of app's, but Facebook and omni swipe seem to be the heaviest users. Any suggestions on how best to solve the problem with out going down the rout of 3rd party system cleaners or root access? Thanks in advance!
Welcome to the forum! You typically shouldn't need to worry about your ram usage on Android devices. Unless you're noticing performance issues. It's completely different than say the usage on a pc. Android handles ram very well and allocates it as needed. This
is the usage on my S5 right now and I can tell you, this is pretty average for me.
Can you please post a screen shot when you get a chance?

S5 tap'n
Welcome to the forum... I've heard issues with S6 and S6 Edge with RAM and phone slowing.. I ran into some peeps were complaining of it.. one had to go back to Note 3 waiting on update for edge bc it was so bad...

Tapped by NexusSix
Welcome to the forum! You typically shouldn't need to worry about your ram usage on Android devices. Unless you're noticing performance issues. It's completely different than say the usage on a pc. Android handles ram very well and allocates it as needed. This
is the usage on my S5 right now and I can tell you, this is pretty average for me.
Can you please post a screen shot when you get a chance?

S5 tap'n
Thanks man.

It can sometimes run really slow between windows and opening app's, but not all of the time.
This is what it is sitting at, that's with all other windows closed, but it can sometimes be higher than this.


  • Screenshot_2015-08-09-12-12-25.png
    138.3 KB · Views: 176
Welcome to the forum... I've heard issues with S6 and S6 Edge with RAM and phone slowing.. I ran into some peeps were complaining of it.. one had to go back to Note 3 waiting on update for edge bc it was so bad...

Tapped by NexusSix
Hey man, thanks for replying. I will bare this in mind as i have only had the phone about 2 weeks. I had the s4 before this and it ran no problem
I personally do a Factory Data reset on every phone that I buy before using it as my daily driver. I'm not sure if it makes any difference, but I have never had a phone slow down on me.

I also do one after any Over The Air Updates that are made by carriers.
Welcome to the forum.
If it's the Recent Apps you are using to switch that are slowing things way down, that's pretty much across all Samsung devices. Some call it "the Touch Wiz lag" in case you want to research it further. I'd also suggest yet not using Clean Master (or whatever that is) to close stuff out for a bit and see if it doesn't actually improve things. That portion is basically a task killer and they are not needed on Android above 2.0 (froyo) and can actually cause more problems and battery usage. Android likes to keep ram used for quicker start ups and if left alone does a good job of closing things that are idle out of ram if more ram is needed, unlike Windows which just slows things down until you manually clean it up.

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To piggy back off from mountainbikermark's suggestion of not using clean master or similar apps because it can cause more problems with lag and battery usage especially if you have it set to shut down apps or processes. What generally happens is that app is almost always running in the background and it will spend lots of time shutting down apps or stopping processes only for those things to immediately start back up again and it ends up being a viscous battery draining cycle. See what happens if you Uninstaller those apps.

sent from my Note3, (currently, but soon to be??) using tapatalk
Thanks for all the help guys. I have deleted a couple of apps and done a hard restart, and the problems seem to have stopped. Phone is running loads smoother now. Well keep an eye on it over the next few weeks and see how things go. Again, thank you everyone for your welcomes and help! :)