actually in my case, I found that I'd gotten myself in a bootloop. Here is the thing:
I'm rooted but stock, with V6 supercharger and so on.
I was messing around with trying to get rid of that damn facebook app (so I did a TiBU) and then "uninstalled"
Entries for the thing were showing up in my market downloads list... I wanted them gone like before...
So I then cleared market cache and data and then did an "uninstall updates".
Before market reverted I looked and saw it was still there... so I restored the facebook app and removed it again and
redid the operations on market from before. I then rebooted.
When it came up, it looped while spelling out "droid", so I applied my latest nandroid w/o wiping cache, data.
While this allowed the phone to come up, it seems that it did not think several of my apps (that had been moved to SD) were installed.
While I'm back up to where I was, I was wondering if in my case, a data wipe etc. should have been done prior to nandroid restore.