kinda surprised this isnt a stickie in here.
just got a mugen for my bionic 1950mAh.
the site said it comes dead. and to charge it for a long time first.
should i put it in phone leave it off and charge to 100%?
i had a 4000mAh batter for a while and the phone never (i forgot the term) adjusted to the battery.
(i dont know its brand it was some off brand cheap one)
do i need to wipe some thing somewhere to help it do it?
i've seen the thing where its supposed to go down to 15% then charge and i've done that many times on the 4000 to no avail.
but mainly this is just for the new 1950 battery.
and the suggestion. someone more knowledgable out there. could make a compliation of all the things fox has said as a stickiy "new battery advice"
thanks for your time,
just got a mugen for my bionic 1950mAh.
the site said it comes dead. and to charge it for a long time first.
should i put it in phone leave it off and charge to 100%?
i had a 4000mAh batter for a while and the phone never (i forgot the term) adjusted to the battery.
(i dont know its brand it was some off brand cheap one)
do i need to wipe some thing somewhere to help it do it?
i've seen the thing where its supposed to go down to 15% then charge and i've done that many times on the 4000 to no avail.
but mainly this is just for the new 1950 battery.
and the suggestion. someone more knowledgable out there. could make a compliation of all the things fox has said as a stickiy "new battery advice"
thanks for your time,