My brother is interested in trying ROMs out for the DINC. I really only have experience with my OG DROID on this, so I'm hoping you guys can clear up a few question I have.
I plan on using this:
HTC Incredible: Firmware Downgrade (Gingerbread) - CyanogenMod Wiki He's running 4.08.605.2, and has the SLCD version.
So, I see how you can root on that system version, but in order to install custom ROMs. Would we also have to downgrade to 2.2 for S-Off to use ROMs? Or would we just be able to clockwork mod it from there.
Also, I notice he doesn't have the latest radio version that available on rootzwiki. I'm not sure why. Is that version a leak, or something?
My brother is interested in trying ROMs out for the DINC. I really only have experience with my OG DROID on this, so I'm hoping you guys can clear up a few question I have.
I plan on using this:
HTC Incredible: Firmware Downgrade (Gingerbread) - CyanogenMod Wiki He's running 4.08.605.2, and has the SLCD version.
So, I see how you can root on that system version, but in order to install custom ROMs. Would we also have to downgrade to 2.2 for S-Off to use ROMs? Or would we just be able to clockwork mod it from there.
Also, I notice he doesn't have the latest radio version that available on rootzwiki. I'm not sure why. Is that version a leak, or something?