[APPS] Quadrant Standard Updated! Now Supports dual-core CPUs and ICS


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Premium Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
Current Phone Model
Pixel 3 XL


Benchmarkers, assemble! The folks at Aurora Softworks have issued the long-awaited upgrade to Quadran Standard Edition for Android. For the longest time, it didn’t at all support dual-core CPUs. That all changes with this update.

Also new is Android 4.0 support so literally everybody should be in one the benchmarking fun. We’ve also got GUI improvements, Polish translations, and your general round of bug fixes. Find the 1.4MB update in the Android market right here.​
My results:


Running AOKP M3, Franco Kernel v15.2
My Quadrant went from 2100 to 2600 after the update.

I also noticed that planet animation glitch doesn't occur anymore. That used to drive me crazy.
wow, i thought that app was basically dead...i didnt think they had an update in like a year lol

i wonder if it'll work on the alpha build for the D1...i wanted to compare it for the longest time but it didnt work right
When I look at System Information in Quadrant it shows:


Shouldn't it say 2?
Though the app supports Dual Cores, doesn't gingerbread have to support dual cores too for the software to even use it? I ask since every other dual core phone out there besides the Nexus is on GB with its dual core unless you have a ROM.

Nexus running Codename,leankernal with jakes mod. Not bad for being undervolted as a mofo.

Anyone know why the DF app is telling me "I may not have permission...can not connect blah blah" when trying to upload a pic?
Has anyone else run this on a stock nexus? I got only 2012, and the biggest discrepancy between my results and Wicked's results was in I/O. He scored 5311, I scored 1025. What's up with that? Is there something wrong with my phone? Other stats were CPU: 5734, Mem: 1885, 2D: 198, 3D: 1218
Has anyone else run this on a stock nexus? I got only 2012, and the biggest discrepancy between my results and Wicked's results was in I/O. He scored 5311, I scored 1025. What's up with that? Is there something wrong with my phone? Other stats were CPU: 5734, Mem: 1885, 2D: 198, 3D: 1218

I don't think there's anything wrong with your device, it's just stock. Have you had any lag issues?

At the time of that screenshot I did have mine OC'd setting - maxing out at 1350 with "performance" governor on kernel.

Here's my results after setting CPU to stock frequencies maxing out at 1200 with interactive governor on.

On my stock nexus I was getting around 2000, I enabled force 2d rendering in the developer options and my score went up to around 2300, Nexus doesn't fair too well probably because of the amount of pixels it has to push during rendering. They really did drop the ball with the lame GPU.
I get the same as wicked. Gpu and 1.35 each add another 300. A guy on rootz did 37xx on the 1.5 Trinity kernel. I loaded the kernel and couldn't get past Google screen wtf.
Hm. I updated, and it almost seemed to have taken longer, as one of the first things I did was downloaded Quadrant and ran it.

Never noticed the planet bug, must have had ADD when the phones were always running the benchmark tests. Haha.

And, uh, if this phone (droid 4) is dual core, why does quadrant claim the phone only has one core?

This person is confused. Haha.

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