Should you be saving up for a quad-core Smartphone? | mobile technology, mobile architecture | ST-Ericsson Technology Blog
I came across this article when I searched to see when quad core phones may be arriving. (many say 2013 if you are wondering)
And this article said that Dual Core processors are actually faster than Quad Cores. Or at least in a smartphone.
You can read it if you'd like, just to make sure I am not crazy, but is this true?
I came across this article when I searched to see when quad core phones may be arriving. (many say 2013 if you are wondering)
And this article said that Dual Core processors are actually faster than Quad Cores. Or at least in a smartphone.
"As I mentioned above the dual core can run at a higher peak frequency than the quad core. If only one or two cores of the in total four are being used, the dual core will outperform the quad core. The Gigahertz will speak."
You can read it if you'd like, just to make sure I am not crazy, but is this true?