Poll Megan or Selena?

Every time I try to upload it says upload failed =€

-AqworldThunder ;) ^…^ ¶.¶ *.* Thank me if i helped please!
I see.. doh i was looking at "more " under menu. Just saw the big ole button in the middle of the reply screen.

Although my upload failed, it's there..

----posted maxx'ed out----
I see.. doh i was looking at "more " under menu. Just saw the big ole button in the middle of the reply screen.

Although my upload failed, it's there..

----posted maxx'ed out----
Sometimes the full size doesn't work, I noticed that smaller size works majority of the time. Some people say they have trouble with the DF app though so you can try imgur
Megan has toe thumbs and Selena has a scrunched up face

Galnet MIUI