PLEASE HELP ME.... im new to droid x.. I don't get it????


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
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I bought software from online. But my droid x won't install the ( .jar and tar files. ) I am going crazy. PLEASE HELP ME

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I bought software called cell_tracker I purchased it right at $100.00.. it's going to be pretty cool stuff if I can get get it to work.

You don't install tar files, it's an archive file like zip that has to be extracted.
jar files are java, android doesn't have jre, you can't use that file.
I bought software called cell_tracker I purchased it right at $100.00.. it's going to be pretty cool stuff if I can get get it to work.


oh boy.
what exactly does this software say it does that makes it work $100
i for one, have had no trouble finding a free or VERY cheap a app that will do anything and everything i could ever want.

by the name it sounds like something where if you loose it, it will tell you where it is. there is an app for that called lookout security. text your phone a code and it turns on GPS and gives you its location. pretty sure it is free too.

not to be rude or anything, but unless this app turns your phone into a hovercraft, i would get my money back until you know for sure you cant get a better/cheaper app on the market, and you know you can install it.
You don't install tar files, it's an archive file like zip that has to be extracted.
jar files are java, android doesn't have jre, you can't use that file.

I didnt know at the time, All I knew was that they told me it was compatable with all smart phones. I sent them a email complaint and they responded with some links that would help me convert the jar & tar file to .apk files:motdroidvert:

oh boy.
what exactly does this software say it does that makes it work $100

Its spyware

yikes. feel sorry for the guy :(

LOL.... Boy talk about stereotyping, just
b/c I want to install spyware, Im a CRAZED:icon_eek: stalker who is spying on a guy,,,,, LOL.. I needed that laugh. I know its kinda easy to think that but that is not what it is, Actually, I am a production manager in charge of over 250 people. I have a boss who is hideous, unprofessional, and wants to fire me b/c I had a disagreement with her best friend, who is also another manager on the same authority as I. Anyway Im tiered of being harrassed and set-up. I have decided to get ahead of the game!!!!!!!!!! I hope that clarifies and clears up the assuming. But anyway thanks for laugh..... I am way to self confident and happy to worry with that kinda stuff.....:icon_ banana: :) you have made my day..
putting a keylogger on another employees phone without consent would be grounds for termination at my work.
Its spyware

yikes. feel sorry for the guy :(

LOL.... Boy talk about stereotyping, just
b/c I want to install spyware, Im a CRAZED:icon_eek: stalker who is spying on a guy,,,,, LOL.. I needed that laugh. I know its kinda easy to think that but that is not what it is, Actually, I am a production manager in charge of over 250 people. I have a boss who is hideous, unprofessional, and wants to fire me b/c I had a disagreement with her best friend, who is also another manager on the same authority as I. Anyway Im tiered of being harrassed and set-up. I have decided to get ahead of the game!!!!!!!!!! I hope that clarifies and clears up the assuming. But anyway thanks for laugh..... I am way to self confident and happy to worry with that kinda stuff.....:icon_ banana: :) you have made my day..
Well, to be fair, the webpage you linked to for Cell Control has a very prominent banner declaring "Spyware For Mobile Phones" displayed on it wasnt like that poster was making anything up.

It sounds like you are wanting to use this software to maybe copy harassing text, e-mails or voicemails from the boss you have...if so, good luck.
You don't install tar files, it's an archive file like zip that has to be extracted.
jar files are java, android doesn't have jre, you can't use that file.

I didnt know at the time, All I knew was that they told me it was compatable with all smart phones. I sent them a email complaint and they responded with some links that would help me convert the jar & tar file to .apk files:motdroidvert:

The tar file doesn't necessarily have to be converted, it's an archive file, you just need to see what's in it.
If you're rooted you can install busybox and run tar -tvf [filename]. That will show you the contents of the tar file.

If it has what you're looking for (the apk) then you can run tar -xvf [filename]. That will extract the contents of the file then you can use a file manager to install it.