Phone wont leave M logo screen even after changing battery, please help


New Member
Jul 3, 2011
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We came back from out of town where we had no service, had to replace the battery, turned the phone on and the M screen popped up and wont go anywhere after that. You can't even shut it off without taking the battery out to kill it, but then you put it back in and turn it on and it does the same thing again. You can even turn it off and plug it in, and without pressing anything to turn the phone on, it goes to that screen. What to do?!
Hello Parkdogg316

I had a similar issue with my DX
read here

It seems like you cant turn the phone off and keep it off when to put a battery back in.

again same issue I had. I was told its nothing you can do from here. You have to get a replacement phone sadly.

I dont like my replacement phone. 2.2 was better than 2.3. So expect 2.3.3 to come with your new replacement DX phone. Just a Warning.