Phone Stuck in Bootloop on "M" Logo


New Member
Feb 28, 2010
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I need help. I was on UD 9.0 and went into clockwork to change my theme. My phone went into a bootloop with the "M" Logo. I am using Clockwork Recovery on my phone. I wiped data and partitions, but still nothing. Unfortunately, I accidently deleted the info on my MicroSD so I cannot get an file. I tried to download and load a ROM into my MicroSD, but I keep getting message that my MicroSD is "write protected". I am now stuck phoneless.

Please help me with my droid.
I need help. I was on UD 9.0 and went into clockwork to change my theme. My phone went into a bootloop with the "M" Logo. I am using Clockwork Recovery on my phone. I wiped data and partitions, but still nothing. Unfortunately, I accidently deleted the info on my MicroSD so I cannot get an file. I tried to download and load a ROM into my MicroSD, but I keep getting message that my MicroSD is "write protected". I am now stuck phoneless.

Please help me with my droid.

Boot to recovery (hold x and power) then got to partitions then mount usb storage. That should allow you to place a new on the card.
I need help. I was on UD 9.0 and went into clockwork to change my theme. My phone went into a bootloop with the "M" Logo. I am using Clockwork Recovery on my phone. I wiped data and partitions, but still nothing. Unfortunately, I accidently deleted the info on my MicroSD so I cannot get an file. I tried to download and load a ROM into my MicroSD, but I keep getting message that my MicroSD is "write protected". I am now stuck phoneless.

Please help me with my droid.

Boot to recovery (hold x and power) then got to partitions then mount usb storage. That should allow you to place a new on the card.

I just tried that and still nothing. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. The steps I just took were as follows:

Boot to Recovery
Partitions Menu
Mount USB Storage (This then goes into a screen that was to unmount)

I have done all of the following after the above steps:
1. I have clicked unmount, then reboot (Gets stuck in boot loop w/"M" logo)
2. I have went back and rebooted after "not" pressing unmount (same result)
3. I have removed card with both above options and put in my computer to put in an, but the card still gets that it is write protected so I can't put anything in the card.

Any other options or did I brick my phone?
I need help. I was on UD 9.0 and went into clockwork to change my theme. My phone went into a bootloop with the "M" Logo. I am using Clockwork Recovery on my phone. I wiped data and partitions, but still nothing. Unfortunately, I accidently deleted the info on my MicroSD so I cannot get an file. I tried to download and load a ROM into my MicroSD, but I keep getting message that my MicroSD is "write protected". I am now stuck phoneless.

Please help me with my droid.

Boot to recovery (hold x and power) then got to partitions then mount usb storage. That should allow you to place a new on the card.

I just tried that and still nothing. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. The steps I just took were as follows:

Boot to Recovery
Partitions Menu
Mount USB Storage (This then goes into a screen that was to unmount)

I have done all of the following after the above steps:
1. I have clicked unmount, then reboot (Gets stuck in boot loop w/"M" logo)
2. I have went back and rebooted after "not" pressing unmount (same result)
3. I have removed card with both above options and put in my computer to put in an, but the card still gets that it is write protected so I can't put anything in the card.

Any other options or did I brick my phone?

Please not the "B" word!! Far from it. Hate to do this, but seems only option. Boot to recovery, partitions, format sdcard. Somethings wrong with your card. Formating it should fix it then should be able to get an on there.
Boot to recovery (hold x and power) then got to partitions then mount usb storage. That should allow you to place a new on the card.

I just tried that and still nothing. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. The steps I just took were as follows:

Boot to Recovery
Partitions Menu
Mount USB Storage (This then goes into a screen that was to unmount)

I have done all of the following after the above steps:
1. I have clicked unmount, then reboot (Gets stuck in boot loop w/"M" logo)
2. I have went back and rebooted after "not" pressing unmount (same result)
3. I have removed card with both above options and put in my computer to put in an, but the card still gets that it is write protected so I can't put anything in the card.

Any other options or did I brick my phone?

Please not the "B" word!! Far from it. Hate to do this, but seems only option. Boot to recovery, partitions, format sdcard. Somethings wrong with your card. Formating it should fix it then should be able to get an on there.

I just formatted the card from the Recovery screen and it did say that my card has been formatted, but when I try to install the, I keep getting this message on my PC "The Disk is write protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk."

I think I need to somehow get the write protection off the SD card, but I am clueless on how to do that.
Can you right-click the folder you want it in and change the permissions so it isn't read only? Should be a checkbox there.
Can you right-click the folder you want it in and change the permissions so it isn't read only? Should be a checkbox there.

When I right click the drive, which on my PC is showing as "F" Drive, I get the following options:

Expand, Add to archive, OpenAutoPlay, Expore, Open, Open Command Prompt Here, Share, Open as Portable Device, Sweep with Spysweeper, Add to "Archive.rar", Compress and email, Comcpress to "Archive.rar" and email, Format, Eject, Safely Remove, Cut Copy Paste, Rename, New, Properties.

I have formatted on my Droid in the Recovery. When I try to format in my PC, it says that it will erase everything, then when I click OK, it says that the disk is write protected.

I don't see anything anywhere where it says Read Only. The above are all the options.
I just tried that and still nothing. I am not sure what I'm doing wrong. The steps I just took were as follows:

Boot to Recovery
Partitions Menu
Mount USB Storage (This then goes into a screen that was to unmount)

I have done all of the following after the above steps:
1. I have clicked unmount, then reboot (Gets stuck in boot loop w/"M" logo)
2. I have went back and rebooted after "not" pressing unmount (same result)
3. I have removed card with both above options and put in my computer to put in an, but the card still gets that it is write protected so I can't put anything in the card.

Any other options or did I brick my phone?

Please not the "B" word!! Far from it. Hate to do this, but seems only option. Boot to recovery, partitions, format sdcard. Somethings wrong with your card. Formating it should fix it then should be able to get an on there.

I just formatted the card from the Recovery screen and it did say that my card has been formatted, but when I try to install the, I keep getting this message on my PC "The Disk is write protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk."

I think I need to somehow get the write protection off the SD card, but I am clueless on how to do that.

I'm not at my computer so can't try anything out. If you have access to another sdcard could try that for now.
Please not the "B" word!! Far from it. Hate to do this, but seems only option. Boot to recovery, partitions, format sdcard. Somethings wrong with your card. Formating it should fix it then should be able to get an on there.

I just formatted the card from the Recovery screen and it did say that my card has been formatted, but when I try to install the, I keep getting this message on my PC "The Disk is write protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk."

I think I need to somehow get the write protection off the SD card, but I am clueless on how to do that.

I'm not at my computer so can't try anything out. If you have access to another sdcard could try that for now.

I've actually tried 3 different cards with the same result. The only thing I can think of is that there is some sort of write protection on the SD Card adapter, but there is no switch.
I just formatted the card from the Recovery screen and it did say that my card has been formatted, but when I try to install the, I keep getting this message on my PC "The Disk is write protected. Remove the write-protection or use another disk."

I think I need to somehow get the write protection off the SD card, but I am clueless on how to do that.

I'm not at my computer so can't try anything out. If you have access to another sdcard could try that for now.

I've actually tried 3 different cards with the same result. The only thing I can think of is that there is some sort of write protection on the SD Card adapter, but there is no switch.

Have you tried a different one and did the mount usb storage and plugged your phone in your pc?
The side of the sdcard should have a switch to enable or disable read/write. Also have you tried to adb push the to the card? If you only wiped the data partition put the sdcard back into the droid, boot to recovery, format the card then use nandroid to do a restore of everything assuming you have copies on your pc that you can copy back to the sdcard. Also if you only wiped data and not system the device should still boot.
The side of the sdcard should have a switch to enable or disable read/write. Also have you tried to adb push the to the card? If you only wiped the data partition put the sdcard back into the droid, boot to recovery, format the card then use nandroid to do a restore of everything assuming you have copies on your pc that you can copy back to the sdcard. Also if you only wiped data and not system the device should still boot.

I am not sure how to use ADB, but the microsd and SD adapter both do not have a switch. What I am doing now is downloading a different rom and gonna try to load it up into the microsd.

I was able to get ud7.8 into the sd card, but it seems like clockmod is not reading it. I will do the and have also did a search in the recovering to choose the file and it will just go back into the main recovery screen. Sort of like it downloaded, but it didn't was the files didn't seem to extract from microsd.
Okay, so I finally got booted. I'm not sure if it was the ROM, the SD card, or file. After finally trying to install the 5th different ROM, I am finally back in.

Thanks for all the help.
Okay, so I finally got booted. I'm not sure if it was the ROM, the SD card, or file. After finally trying to install the 5th different ROM, I am finally back in.

Thanks for all the help.

Sweet!! Glad this all worked out for ya!!