Phone/software updates question


Nov 28, 2010
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Just curious how the droid, if at all, updates the phone with the newest software and what not? Before droid I had the blackberry tour and whenever they had something new it would arrive at my phone like an icon and you could click it at your convenience because it sometimes took a while, and once updated you would have all the newest features or whatever it was that they added and the icon would go away. Does the droid ever have updates like this? And if so,do they automatically come to me or do I have to go find them and plug my phone in to my computer? Thank you in advance :)

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Go to the settings on your phone and press about phone, then press system updates. There might be another way or maybe a widget to do it but i don't know of any
You'll have two kinds of updates. System updates and application updates. System updates are typically rolled out to you and you can watch the forums here to get an idea when they are available. You'll get a full screen message that a system update is ready to install and you can either postpone it for do the update right away. If you are rooted this could cause problems with the updates.

Application updates are a little different. You can adjust whether or not you want to be notified about those updates. You can also adjust whether you want each individual app to auto-update or not. All of that is done from the app market. One catch with those is that any permission changes will likely require a manual update. Just make it a habit every few days to go to the "my apps" section of the market and you'll see what's available.