Hi, I have a thunderbolt (I know it's not a droid, but I'm sure you guys can help anyway) running cyanogenmod 7.1 and it has been working well for months. Today I switched my battery because the first one ran out, and when it booted it acted very strangely. It went to my home screen and was able to scroll through screens and open apps on my phone's internal storage, those that were on my sd card were still loading and showing the default green package icon. Launcher pro then force closed, and the cyanogen boot screen came up again. This keeps happening no matter how I reboot it, and it only happens when the sd card (32 gb with about 29 used) is in the phone. I can use it perfectly without the sd card and the problem does not occur. Please tell me what I can do to make sure the sd card is not rejected like this! Also, when I rebooted even before this problem the time would be really weird (always January 5 1980 at 4pm)- is there any way to make sure it follows the carrier's time? Even though I select network time it does not truly follow it. The first problem is much more important though, thanks in advance everyone