Phone has no service


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
My buddies droid x has no service no data no st calling service we get a hard reset and it still doesn't work what next

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Make sure it is activated and has service? Take it in to Verizon.

Or, was it working and then just stopped? If a reboot didn't fix it, then undo any recent changes made to the phone.
The phone was already working and just stopped the only recent change was the gingerbread update his phone is fully stock

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I'm sure you tried *228 and option 1? Otherwise just run it into a verizon store and tell them the new update messed up your phone.
My droid x did the same exact thing this morning. Did the factory reset, tried to activate and it wouldn't connect. Called verizon, tried to reactivate an old env3 I had prior to my droid and that one wouldn't connect either, so they are thinking its the network and not my phone(s). Good news for me, but hate having to wait to have my phone back.
They're sending my buddy a new phone so hopefully that fixes the problem

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