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Then put it on CL for $300 and I would bet it would be gone in less than a week. with that money go back to your X. OR there are a ton of people that have gone from android to iphone and regret it and want the thunderbolt. put it up for straight trade on the iphone 4. Sorry your not happy with it, I came from the droid X also and I couldn't be happier to get rid that thing! the bolt is a much nicer device in my opinion.
I got a tbolt on a one year for 199. Came from a Droid, couldn't be happier. Great camera and great screen...still don't understand why so many people put this device down.
why? Instead of vaguely complaining, try explaining your issues so somebody may be able to help you deal with the phone you are apparently now stuck with
Other than the battery issue which I solved with the extended battery I love this phone. I almost didn't get it because I never liked the HTC interface, but now I do.
I wasn't really feeling and am still unsure if the trade up from the X was worth quadrant scores were pretty close and my battery life was great with darkslide rom...the things that made me like the x more than this phone were no that even though out is a little buggy. Then the contact manager/dialer seems pretty crude and unorganized on htc...but there is an app for that, check out GO in the market, they have a nicely laid out contact manager and themeable dialer plus they make text app similar to I an rather happy with my phone, just waiting for a rom that I like to come along...good luck on your phone search.
Then put it on CL for $300 and I would bet it would be gone in less than a week. with that money go back to your X. OR there are a ton of people that have gone from android to iphone and regret it and want the thunderbolt. put it up for straight trade on the iphone 4. Sorry your not happy with it, I came from the droid X also and I couldn't be happier to get rid that thing! the bolt is a much nicer device in my opinion.
One of the reasons I bought my phone at Best Buy was for their 30 day return policy. I paid full price and wanted to be sure of my purchase. The other day I did a price match and got $53 bucks back. I also like their insurance plan.
I'll trade you a mint 3 month old X for your hated Bolt.
Other than the battery issue which I solved with the extended battery I love this phone. I almost didn't get it because I never liked the HTC interface, but now I do.
What are your thought on the phone now that you have the extended battery? Meaning like the add weight and size?
I am not really that worried about my batt life but I am curious to get one.