Ok, I got it working, but how I got it working is a bit tedious.
I downloaded Google Music onto my OG Droid, plugged it into my laptop and used Droid Explorer to go into /data/app and copied the Music.apk and placed it onto the desktop of my computer. I then Plugged my Droid 2 into the laptop, enabled Memory Card Access, then copied and pasted the Music.apk onto my SDcard. I then used the following commands in Better Terminal Emulator to swap a few things around:
- Remount /system as rw in Terminal Emulator/ConnectBot ("mount -o rw,remount /system" OR "sysrw")
- Remove Music.apk from /system/app ("rm /system/app/Music.apk")
- Copy Honeycomb Music.apk to /system/app ("cp /sdcard/download/com.google.android.music.apk /system/app/Music.apk" - Your path to the Honeycomb APK may vary)
- Set permissions on Music.apk to 0666 ("chmod 0666 /system/app/Music.apk")
Note: At this point, you might start getting force close messages for the music process. Ignore them. It might help to clear data for music in "Manage Applications" under the "All" tab.
- Using a root-capable file browser, navigate to /system/app and tap Music.apk to install it. It seems redundant, but it's necessary.
These commands I got from this thread:
I rebooted and everything is working great now.
:icon_ banana::icon_ lala::icon_ banana::icon_ lala::icon_ banana: