No "notification" on phone


New Member
Oct 7, 2010
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I'm trying to find out how to transfer photos from my computer to my Droid 2 and everything I find on the net states to select "menu" then "notifications". I do not have a "notification" on my menu screen. The menu screen, as stated in the instructions is the arrow with the circle around it, located between the home and back buttons. What gives here? I have not yet found a way to transfer photos taken from my camera, transferred to the laptop, and then I want them on the Droid 2 to share later. Any help? Thanks
i don't know why it would tell you to find notifications. you might have to drag the notification bar down to change usb mode from pc mode to usb transfer.
If you're going the USB cable route, you'll need to enable that mode first. From the Home screen:

Menu key
Application Settings
Check "Enable USB debugging"
Then exit from settings using the Back key.

Once you've done that, when you plug your Droid into the USB cable, the Droid's SD card will load just like any other USB drive, and you can drag and drop photos, even create sub-folders to keep them organized. One caveat: don't drag stuff into or out of a folder that has the name of one of your installed apps, because some apps store configuration info on the SD card. Stick with folders like Documents or Pictures. (I created a separate one for Wallpapers.)

D2G w/stock Froyo