I find it rather strange that smart cell phone companies do not mark the model name on the phone.
With cars it is very common to be able to glance at a car and know the manufacturer and model name, and often even the engine size and if it is turbo charged.
With the HTC Rezound, all one sees is "verizon" on top and "HTC" on the bottom.
With my older Droid-X it is "MOTOROLA" on top and "verizon" n the bottom.
Also it is "verizon" in all lower case letters.
I am not saying this is a bad thing, nor a wrong thing.
Actually, it might be a good thing as no one will look at your phone and make a comment like "you are using that old model?"
Just noticing it and thinking it is rather strange - compared to cars.
With cars it is very common to be able to glance at a car and know the manufacturer and model name, and often even the engine size and if it is turbo charged.
With the HTC Rezound, all one sees is "verizon" on top and "HTC" on the bottom.
With my older Droid-X it is "MOTOROLA" on top and "verizon" n the bottom.
Also it is "verizon" in all lower case letters.
I am not saying this is a bad thing, nor a wrong thing.
Actually, it might be a good thing as no one will look at your phone and make a comment like "you are using that old model?"
Just noticing it and thinking it is rather strange - compared to cars.