The Future of QWERTY Slide Phones:
There is a bright future for qwerty slide phones because the need for such technology and integration is there. 'High-Tech Power Users' are the primary beneficiaries of the qwerty features. Short-sighted 'simple text' cell phone users (the vast current majority of the market) do not understand what I'm talking about when I mention the following: 1) Healthcare HIPAA-related documentation is headed to the smartphone. Hardware-capable qwerty technology will become critical when documenting work and medical-related information on HL7 federally certified electronic health and medication administration records; 2) QWERTY slide phones do not take up one-half to two-thirds of the cellphone screen; 3) QWERTY keyboards have better dependability and are more accurate than virtual screens. Touch screens can become problematic because they are more sensitive to temperature, pressure variation, and hygiene factors (e.g., dirt on fingers, make-up and oil on screen, etc.); 4) QWERTY phones are not an either/or touch screen experience. QWERTY slide out phones also have virtual keyboards, but with phones like the Droid 4 (my phone), the user has a choice. The point here is that QWERTY smart phones are not a rejection of virtual keyboards. Smart phones like the Droid 4 also have advanced QWERTY back-light technology for "High-Tech Power Users" who need more dependability, speed, and toughness for what they do; 5) I teach graduate school online. 95% of my documentation and correspondence is done on my Droid 4. A virtual keyboard does not make the grade in this intense documentation environment. I need a laptop that fits into my pocket. Its called a Droid 4.
What is the problem?
1) Marketing - No one seems to understand what I'm talking about. I can't even get Verizon sales people to see or understand what I'm saying.
2) Sex - The iPhone is sleek, sexy, and simple. I give it that. But, if we can send a man to the moon in 1969, and send robots into space to solve the mysteries of the universe, surely Droid 5 can be made to look sleek and sexy. And while we are in the mood, let's follow Einstein's theory of making things simple, but not more simple.
3) Verizon must eventually join the international community in where the cell phone industry is headed. That includes a) Contract commitments and upgrade allowances are a thing of the past. This present system is a bunch of marlarkey