

New Member
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all. I just joined a few minutes ago. I have had my Droid since April. Love it. Just updated to 2.2 this morning. Having a few issues with it. I already posted a thread in Audio/Video with a ringtone issue after updating to 2.2. Hopefully someone out there can help me! This is my first forum experience, so I am learning as I go! Thanks!
Thanks so much Bayou! I appreciate the welcome, I know I will enjoy this community!
Thanks dlwhtrose! I have been clicking through some threads to see what is out there, and you are so right! There is a lot of knowledge here, and lots of great people. Not quite sure what the Rescue Squad is yet, but I am sure I will discover that soon (I see you are a part of that). :) Thanks again!!!
We are a group of folks here on the forums that help people when they are stuck while trying to do something on their phones or if their phone starts to act weird.

Hopefully you will not need us but if you do, we are around.
Welcome! Glad to have you. The community is very friendly and willing to share information and assist when necessary.

We are a group of folks here on the forums that help people when they are stuck while trying to do something on their phones or if their phone starts to act weird.

Hopefully you will not need us but if you do, we are around.

Thanks for the explanation! I will keep that in mind. Thanks again!
Welcome! Glad to have you. The community is very friendly and willing to share information and assist when necessary.


Thanks for the welcome Mike. I have only been here a little while today, but I am already loving this community!