Newbie Wallpaper Resize Question


New Member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
North Central CT
Just got my Razr Maxx three days ago. It's my first smartphone and I'm loving the experience so far. My only issue is with resizing and cropping wallpaper. I uploaded a few personal images to use as wallpaper. One is a full length shot of a friend, and when I select it from my gallery to use as a wallpaper, I can't use the whole photo. A crop box appears that only lets me select and use part of the image. The cropped image does take up my home screen in the proper dimensions, but I can only use part of the image, and I want the full length photo rather than just the face. Is there some reason why I just can't use the whole image? It appears perfectly in my gallery, but the entire photo won't transfer over to wallpaper without the square crop box appearing. Is this a Droid issue, a Razr issue, or am I just missing something?