newbie to rooting help needed


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
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OK got a dx and have new 2.2 and did the superoneclick root. says it is rooted. Go to install busybox and it says rooted but not installed. have the superuser icon and installed terminal but when i put in su it says no permission. what am i missing here? I am confused and I am a newbie so go easy on me please.
well you need to install busybox. grab busybox installer off of the market and use that to install it (note-installing the app alone will not do it, you have to open the app and install it)

and for the terminal emulator, did you deny it permissions?

what else did you do post-root that may be significant?
I downloaded busybox from market and it freezes and force closes every install. As far as terminal goes, after installed never was asked superuser permissions. I don't get the box asking for superuser permissions on anything. It came up once after install and I said yes with allways allowed. Other than that, I have done nothing after root except answer calls and emails.
Unrooted and used rootx 2.2. Changed Cust to media share and it worked. Looks like I'm in. Now to try wireless tether

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