New to the Droid


New Member
Oct 18, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there! My name is Charlotte and I am finally going to switch to the Droid this week. I had a touch screen phone and hated it I think because it was the Blackberry Storm. I had more issues with that phone than I know what to do with. I am currently using a bb 8530. I sold my storm so that I could get a droid off ebay. I will be getting my droid this week and I'm ready to have fun with it and have a reliable phone as well. :) Just wanted to introduce myself here though.
Have fun with it, and welcome welcome.
:welcome: to the Forum - Make yourself at home and feel free to ask questions

Sent from my Original Droid using the Exclusive Droid Forums App :wink:
Welcome! I believe you will find the Droid OS less "stormy" :)

Enjoy you're stay