New to Droid


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Jul 1, 2011
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Hello to all members my name is Cheryl Handy and I am new to this forum. I find myself always having questions about many different topics and have found that using forums is the best way to learn and so I for one love forum's and have learned a great many things. I am currently finding myself perplexed with the newest dilemma which is re flashing the Motorola Droid X back to the Verizon network. Anyone who can offer up help, suggestions or what have you it would be greatly appreciated
Welcome to the site!

You might be able to use the Verizon 2.3.340 sbf file to go back to Verizon. I'm sure someone else will chime in...

sent from my ApeX
:welcome: Yes there are two ways to get your phone set back up to work on VZW rather than Metro as you posted this question in more detail in another thread. One is as suggested, using RSD Lite to flash the latest leaked full .sbf file to your phone. Or another is to investigate using even more powerful tools (RadioComm) to go underneath the actual OS of the phone and re-edit the underlying NVM items that have you on Metro vs. VZW.

I do not know the whole procedure, I am just familiar with some of the lingo and the concept. I have a link that would get you started in the latter process as it was written for the Droid !:

Android -

Oh, BTW none of this is going to be easy. You may also want to go to MyDroidWorld and post in the Droid X section there. If you can get the attention of CellZealot, he knows more about how all this works than everyone else here put together. He has been picking apart Moto phones for a long, long, long time.

good luck