Alright so VZW managed to send me a free Dinc2 to replace my Droid 2. and I love it. I already am S-OFF and rooted while running MikRom's stable Incredible HD rom and set up CM7 via boot manager. I know nothing about kernals (since with the d2 i didnt have the option) and I am beginning to like boot manager. i have a 32 gb class 10 microsd card and was wondering a few things. 1. Should I use a sense or aosp rom for my phone rom. 2. what is the best sense based rom? am I already on it? 3. how can i increase my sd cache so my multiboot roms run smoother? and 4. do all my roms need to be run off the same kernal? if not then what kernals would be recommended for a sense rom and what kernals for cm7 or liquid? I want a solid dual boot for the time being but i only want to dabble with sense to me it is just more bloat. With that said i suppose ill mainly use cm7 and i will REALLY wanna dual boot when the first ICS nightlies debut this winter. And whatever kernals i choose what is a good setting to use? undervolt? overclock to 1.3, 1.5 or 1.7ghz? Now i feel like I'm rambeling xD sorry i just LOVE this thing and i havent even tapped the potential yet. Any advice is appreciated for this n00b!:biggrin: