Developer "Nitroz" has really been pumping out some super sick themes as of late for AOKP on the Galaxy Nexus. He started the themeing sickness with the one that most of you know "Black Exodus"! He has been hard at work on a totally new and unique theme. This is a colored theme which is new territory for Nitroz, and it features tons of custom images! This new theme is Cyan colored. Nitroz decided to go this route because he realized that his themes until now included all stock ICS images, and he wanted to future proof his new themes, if you will, for when new Android versions like JellyBean arrive. This way when he gets ready to port themes to newer versions he will have all custom images and it won't be the old ICS images on a new system. So far the theme is in Alpha but is really coming along. It includes the Cyan color scheme with themed app nav buttons, and themed status bar buttons. There is lots more coming to this theme so be on the lookout!
Grab this theme via Rootzwiki