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New Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Hello all! My name is Richard. I'm new to the forums. I've had the Moto Droid since its release & have loved every minute of it! I have recently rooted my Droid so I'm at a whole new level of excitement! I am running Bugless Beast 2.1 so I'll be headed over to that thread next. Future thanks to all that will help me out!
I'm new and have a lot of questions about my new moto droid

well i guess on of my first questions concerns Bugless Beast 2.1 what is it for starters.
well i guess on of my first questions concerns Bugless Beast 2.1 what is it for starters.

Bugless Beast is custom ROM for the Motorola Droid. To use Bugless Beast you would have to root your Droid. To find out more about this please go to our hacking section. Check out the hacking help for a thread about what rooting is if you don't know.

:welcome: to the Forum to both of you. Happy to have you hear.