Well, here is my two cents worth...
Do it! It is worth it. If you haven't rooted already though, I'd wait until you get the global roaming OTA. What you may not know if you are new to this is once you root, you won't get OTAs and you will have to apply the updates manually. It can be a pain if you are not used to doing it that way.
Most people like Titanium Backup. But there is another backup program that is much easier to use called MyBackupPro. I use both because I like some redundancy and having both has saved my rear a few times. Also, once you root, you can do a NAND backup from recovery, which will do an image of your phone. That will backup everything, including settings, ringtones, home screens, etc. When you restore from a NAND backup, you don't have to reset a thing. All the other backup apps backup apps and data but not settings.
For the Rezound, the easiest way to root is to get Hasoon's all in one kit.
Step 1 is go to htcdev.com and unlock your bootloader. The instructions there are really good but you must follow them exactly, which takes some time as you must download and install the Java Developer's Kit. Once you have unlocked the bootloader, you are 2/3rd there.
Step 2 is to download and run Hasoon's all in one kit. Click the button to boot into bootloader (or do it manually by battery pull then power up phone while holding power down, then select Fastboot). Select AmonRa 3.15 and click the button to flash the recovery.
Step 3 is to Run the PermRoot from Hasoon. Or, you can just copy SuperSU.zip to your SD card (It is in the \Data\SU\ folder when you unzip Hasoon) and then flash it using the flash zip menu in AmonRa recovery.
I over simplified the instructions a bit but there are plenty of people here who will help. Good luck and have fun.
Hello, new member and been following posts about rooting, best back up software, etc.:biggrin: