New member, old question, the USB DAC-issue


New Member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hi, I'm new here and trying to get information about an old problem.

First of all: my Equipment:

Toshiba AT 300-101 / Android 4.1
Lindy USB-Audio Adapter Pro (USB-Audio to S/PDIF or Toslink)
Digital soundsystem T&A A2D

Then the task:

Streaming multimedia-files from a Windows 8 - Server via WLAN over the Toshiba AT300/USB-adapter to the T&A soundsystem. (Works fine with any Windows-netbook, but a bit noisy for classical music, the reason, why the server is in another room).

The test:
Tests with USB-Audio Recorder App on the Toshiba AT300 show, that the audio-output from the tablet to the T&A soundsystem works in principle.

The problem:
I didn't find a multimedia- or at least a music-player that can also control the USB-Audio Adapter and in addition stream the music directly from the source playing different formats (the USB-Audio Recorder App plays just from the tablet and wav files only).

I follow the USB discussion since ICS, know about the USB-host/standard issue, customized kernels.
Now, we seem to be a step forward, but the relevant apps are still missing (or I'm not able to find one).
Welcome to Droid Forums!! I hope you are able to figure it all out! :)
I thought it was going to be some boring old post, but it really compensated for my time. I will post a link to this page on my blog. I am sure my visitors will locate that extremely useful