New Member
Hello. & welcome I m new too forum I don't do that many infroductions this is about my first beside all the other automotive forums ' etc; I'm on you can call me Queenz I'm from "Nyc and I have Do Have a New" phone called the Droid I really like it coming from a blackberry owner. I use to own the storm crappy but great phone that just locks up to manytimes switch too this phone cause over summer I had got my last phone wet and I switch to a Droid. I love this phone:icon_ banana: I just wish they stay abysmal(profound) to its comparably Like equivalent comparison like. The iphone with upgrades apps & software.... ;ect' !
Sincerely: :0
Project4JDM :motdroidhoriz:
Sincerely: :0
Project4JDM :motdroidhoriz: