New Member/Atrix Owner


New Member
Mar 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

My name is Oscar and I have had my Motorola Atrix 4G for a couple weeks now and am loving it.

It definitely takes some time getting used to and I am glad i made the switch from Blackberry (minus the email features).

Oh ya and AT&T blows a fat one...4G my ass!
Oh ya and AT&T blows a fat one...

Welcome Oscar; I'm with ya there brother!

How are you finding the connectivity and speeds on that Atrix compared to your previous setup? Night and day?
Oh ya and AT&T blows a fat one...

Welcome Oscar; I'm with ya there brother!

How are you finding the connectivity and speeds on that Atrix compared to your previous setup? Night and day?


I would say it is more like 3.5G rather than 4G. The Atrix is more responsive thanks to the processor but the signal from ATT still sucks compared to my friends Verizon signal and speeds with his Thunderbolt. It is still an improvement from BB definitely.
Thanks guys! Haha ya dual core ftw!

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