Most theme developers spend hours theming apps for particular roms or even for Theme chooser themes. While they are able to theme a large set of app icons there is inevitably some apps that will not be themed since there are millions of apps in the play store developers simply can't theme every single app. They tend to stick to google apps and apps that are incredibly popular. Developer "djdarknight96" has solved this problem with his App Icon Skins. They will theme every app on your phone by applying a skin to the app. They work with ADW, ADW-EX, Apex, Nova, Go, and Holo Launchers. You would download the icon set you like then apply them in the launcher's theme settings. It looks pretty sweet! There are several different options including batcons, webcons, smokecons, p*tcons, blood, fire, ice, and peace cons. There are also several color options for each set of icon skins including White (FREE), HoloBlue (.99), Blue (.99), Green (.99), Pink (.99), Purple (.99), Red (.99), Yellow (.99), and Orange (.99). You can find all of the Play Store links and lots of screen shots at the source link below.
Via Rootzwiki