New Droid


New Member
Feb 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hello all. Made the switch from Blackberry Storm to Motorola Droid. For a "smartphone" there seems to be a lot of workarounds. I like it, but "simple tasks" are no longer simple ! Have a lot of questions !
I've seen 3 former Storm people today! You made the right choice. Welcome to Droid and the forum from another former Storm owner.
I too came from a BB Storm and have yet to look back. It is a little overwhelming at first but trust me, it gets easier. This site will be able to help with all your questions. Just use the search function and if your answer is not found there I'm sure someone around this site will be able to help you. Enjoy the switch to android.
I've seen 3 former Storm people today! You made the right choice. Welcome to Droid and the forum from another former Storm owner.

I see a former storm user every time I look in a mirror :icon_ devil:

:icon_ banana: Welcome to DroidForums Smando :icon_ banana:

I am sure you are going to find DF useful. There is an enormous amount of information for you here to help you become assimilated by your DROID !!

Welcome to the Forums, We hope you enjoy your time here !!!!