New Droid X User


Jun 11, 2011
Reaction score
Brentwood, CA 94513
Current Phone Model
Moto G 4 Plus
I have had the new Droid X (Verizon) only since 4/19. The new software was updated yesterday.

Seems to me the Motorola Car Docking application should have an option to keep it off. I don't have a dock and have no plans to get one. I do have the Verizon leather horizontal case with magnetic closure and it seems to want to invoke the docking program, more so since the update.

I had apparently better luck with the original program in turning off the then named Car Dock. I have an extended battery and just 2 days ago the phone warmed up quite a bit while I was working out and listening to Pandora. It seems the Car Dock program started so I turned it off and it remained off until sometime after the software update. Today I took the phone out of the case and the safety warning displayed. I turned off the renamed program and it came up again later and I turned it off again.

In this situation, it can only cause problems. Ergo, a disable option would be great.
Welcome! Glad you joined us. I have a Droid and use it in a car dock (Verzion). It gets very hot when I use the navigation. If I recall the magnet closure somehow activates something and the phone thinks it is in the dock. Unfortunately, I do not recall the solution. Check the accessory and X section. I'll keep watching and looking. I may move your post to the X general discussion section where other X users can read and reply.

Thanks Mike. I have been out and about today and the program hasn't activated itself, so maybe the last time I turned it off, it took.

I hope so since I ordered a couple more of the leather pouches at a reasonable price from OEM store on Amazon. I bought the Droid for $.01 there!

The phone apparently heats up when the display is on constantly as when you are using the GPS feature. I seldom range far enough to need a dock and I can place the phone in a cup holder and see the screen when using GPS. One really shouldn't be looking at the screen anyway, but it is nice to see the destination address on "Street View."

A friend in the South downloaded th software update and is really unhappy as it screwed up his phone. So far, mine is doing OK and the new look and feel is OK.

Cheers, Rudy
welcome to the forum. read many issues with dock.

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