New DInc user, finally found a home


New Member
Oct 20, 2010
Reaction score
NYC area
Hey all,

Sort of a new user getting my feet wet in the right forums. Got a HTC Droid Incredible back when they were first offered for pre-order (yay, for AMOLED). The DInc was my intro to Android, coming from an iPhone 3G (which went to my daughter) and I love my Droid. I really do. But it took a while to become acclimatized to the new ecosystem - well worth the time and effort.

I am not a rooter or wacky ROM flasher (at least with the Droid), but do want to maximize my use of the phone and the OS. I look forward to learning and giving help when I can. Glad to be a part of the crew!!
Great, welcome to the forums, easily the top place for all your android needs

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Welcome! Like you, I'm a former iPhone user. It took me a few days to make the transition to the Android OS. Now, however, I would not go back.

Welcome aboard WF!! So, what did your daughter do to get punished with an iPhone!!!:icon_ banana:

Just kidding. Hope you continue to enjoy the forum and the phone!!