New Developer joining the forum


Apr 12, 2012
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I'm an independent developer joining the forum. I started a software development company called XK Software Development (although currently I am the only developer). My company is named after the Riemann sum from calculus. I make mobile app games for fun during my free time. I am a sophomore majoring in Software Engineering. I currently have one game released on the Android market (Zombie Chaos Alpha) that I released a few weeks ago. You can check it out here:

I also made an app that converts Biblical and Ancient currency and units of measurement to modern units of measurement. It has a free version which is fully functional and a paid version with a few extra features in case you want to support a broke college kid like myself :p

Lite version:

Paid Version:

In any case, I am extremely excited to get involved in the Android Development community. I love the android platform. My dream job is to be a mobile apps developer after I graduate. As a young and relatively new developer, I'm really looking forward to input from users. Id really appreciate anyone who would be willing to test my apps and give me feedback. Feel free to shoot me PMs with suggestions for improvement or just general support.

Thanks everyone,

-Emil Stewart
XK Software Development
Welcome aboard!! I'll have to give Zombie Chaos a shot :) Thanks for the intro!
Welcome to the community! Android is pretty awesome with lots to offer! I look forward to seeing and using some of your work. Again welcome!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Welcome to Droid Forms Emil!! Make yourself at home and enjoy the forums!! :biggrin:
Hello and welcome Emil! It is great to have you on the forum...We are happy to have ya with us!!
Downloaded Zombie Chaos and the Biblical Unit Conversion. I can't wait to test out the unit conversion app. I always get bewildered trying to think of how much money was owed and things like that when reading my Bible. Thanks and welcome!

sent from a Liberated Droid X
Thanks for the support and responses guys! I'm actually surprised how welcoming this forum is, its quite awesome! Its really cool to be able to interact with other android users!
Welcome, glad to have you on board. :)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Welcome dev!

Simply Amazing ...
Essentially Stunning,
Motorola Droid Razr---->
Tapped via Red Xparent Pro>:-!