The all new groundbreaking app by app developer "R2DoesInc" will make you scratch your head and think to yourself "Why didn't I think of that!". The app is incredibly simple. You all have seen it before. You have something important to say. The only issue is it will take more than 140 characters to say it. You could write a blog, you could go to facebook, there are plenty of options. You could even post your message in several different post on twitter (ie post 1... post 2... post 3) this can become incredibly confusing. Some of your followers may only see the third post and wonder what in the world you are talking about. There are several other websites that will help you to generate a link for a post longer than 140 characters, but it will only be accessible if the link is clicked.
The Pwicca app is ingenious it allows you to convert text into an image that can be posted to the twitter. The photo will show up in your followers feed and you will be able to convey your message in as many characters as you need. The app is free on the play store. Head to the link below for the download.
Via Play Store