I'm on 5.9.902 and my phone is rooted. My question is, how do I take the factory ota of 5.9.905 and still be rooted. I know that moto and verizon are working on ics and will release this software soon. I'm trying to get ready for this and all the info that I have read is not so clear to me. I currently have my update"ota 5.9.905" from Verizon frozen with root tools however, I want to un freeze the ota and install 5.9.905 and then be rooted and ready to take the ICS software when released. Please help understand how to achieve this. It would be greatly appreciated. Still waiting for help with my problem. PLEASE ANYONE WILLING?
I'm on 5.9.902 and my phone is rooted. My question is, how do I take the factory ota of 5.9.905 and still be rooted. I know that moto and verizon are working on ics and will release this software soon. I'm trying to get ready for this and all the info that I have read is not so clear to me. I currently have my update"ota 5.9.905" from Verizon frozen with root tools however, I want to un freeze the ota and install 5.9.905 and then be rooted and ready to take the ICS software when released. Please help understand how to achieve this. It would be greatly appreciated. Still waiting for help with my problem. PLEASE ANYONE WILLING?