Need help with DoubleTwist


Nov 21, 2009
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ok so i desperately want to sync my iTunes music with my shiny new droid, and ive read doubletwist is the way to go. well i opened up DoubleTwist and it not only found all of my itunes music, but every other piece of audio on my computer. This includes multiple versions of songs which i have changed the titles to.
As an example, my itunes has 1100 songs on it, doubletwist wants to sync 1950 songs...which is a no go for me. so i made a playlist in iTunes called "Droid Music" that has my whole itunes library on it, but doubletwist fails to recognize that playlist so im stuck. Does any one have any suggestions on what im doing wrong or a different software i can use? any and all help is appreciated, thank you!
In your options you can chosewhichfolders it pulls your songs
from. Choose only your iTunes directory, if you have multiples in there then that's your issue and you should change your iTunes settings so it automatically fixes titles and duplicates
Double twist was the first of the promoted programs for moving files from itunes to Droid.
My Droid was less than a week old when I tried it and halfway thru the sync I got a message about an update.

Luckily, or maybe unluckily I allowed it to update then it went back to syncing and I thought I was home free. Then when finished I realized that, as happened to the OP I got not only garbage audio but garbage photo & video clips as well.

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to resolve the duplicate files and create usable playlists. I'm trying to avoid formatting the 16gb card and starting over.

Double twist replies to emails in due time but they seem lost as well.
heres my video how.
[video=youtube;G1II-6v9IXo]]YouTube - how to sync your android phone with all your music.[/video]