need help with adobe flash player on my samsung galaxy nexus


New Member
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Midwest (USA)
Hi. I am new here. I live in the midwest ( usa). I am unable to view video on is it adobe flash payer or is it my galaxy nexus? Thanks for helping me on this. Mary
Just check whether u ve adobe flash player installed frm the market...
Not able to view video on with adobeflashpayer. I uninstalled and reinstalled the player but it still doesnt work. Sometimes I get audio but screen remains black. Mostly, the screen just is black and silent.
Yes. Installed from Market.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Hello and welcome!

When you try to view videos, do you get a specific error message?
Have you tried looking at a video on another website like YouTube? That would confirm it is your device. It might be the problem was with's website and not you.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Welcome to Droid Forums!! And Mike brings up a very good point, let us know if it is all sites or just that specific one. Hopefully you will be able to get everything figured out and working in no time!
thanks! youtube works but other websites with videos do not.

Hello and welcome!

When you try to view videos, do you get a specific error message?

No error message .... the icon round arrow on the screen just keep turning.
Go to settings on your internet and go to enable plug in and put always on.
I did that but still ... no videos on same with videos at could someone try the videos on the sites and see if the videos play on you gnex? Thank you so much.