Answer: Root your phone (correctly I might add, I finally used 1 click root from market after a failed attempt with 'the unlockr') use wifi tether app from market, after a lot of persistence, tens of hours of frustrating dead ends, and frequent beer breaks I have finally converted my phone into a wireless 3g router or "hotspot" that my cpu picks up and ICS to a netgear router and wireless to ps3, getting a NAT 2, i get between 1 and sometimes around 2 mb download as a new tower went up nearby. Although the lag is there it is not as bad as people say, i watched a netflix and have zero stops during movie. for ppl like me it is the only option for internet service (no dsl, no cable), now I can get rid of my $60/mo moble broadband subscription, I deserve to be able to tether after paying for same exact internet on two devices over 2 years.