Here's your Off Topic story to kick off a bland Monday morning!
Man is constantly pushing his boundaries forward, and one of the greatest vehicles for that is NASA. The desire to explore outside of our planet and solar system is something that unites us together in a common goal that is literally "reaching for the stars."
Of course, as epic and inspirational as the thought of exploring the galaxy is, we know it takes a bunch of really smart people who like to do math to make it happen. Sometimes it's easy to assume those engineers at NASA are a bunch of boring old codgers. Luckily, nothing could be further from the truth, and the above video proves it.
What we have is a hilarious parody video of Meghan Trainor's hit song "All About that Bass." NASA's version is called "All About that Space," with lyrics changed accordingly, and proves that the current generation of NASA engineers include a wide variety of youthful and fun space pioneers! Enjoy!
For reference, we included the original song from Meghan Trainor in the thread below as well.