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Nandroid Recover


New Member
Last night, I went from FlyX 0.1 Final to RubiX 0.5 Focused through Rom Manager (maybe a mistake). It seemed to have gone well, as I lost all Blur, but the install was really quick, and the boot animation was still FlyX, so I figured something was amiss. I did a rom manager backup and nand backup, but it seems that I've lost root on the move, as nothing that requires root is working (ie - 3g wifi hotspot). Can I use one of the backups to go back to FlyX, or will that brick something? Thanks for any replies.
That's what nandroids are for, to restore back to a previous back-up. There have been numerous times one has saved me. Usually such a save occurs because I'm out and about on a new rom and suddenly I realize maps or navigation isn't working. Save my current setup, flash a backup, and you are good to go within minutes. Get back home and swap them back and fix what is wrong and life goes on.

Now, if it goes horribly wrong for you, that's what the forum is for, to get you out of that jam:)

Welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the EXTREMELY fast reply. I'm not sure I've had a reply that fast in any forum I've ever been in, and I'm quite the lurker. Thanks again, I'll let you know how it goes.
See the benefit of signing up and not lurking?

Good luck.
Haha, yea, now I do.

Ok, little snag. Not sure if it's incompetence or the phone. I booted into recovery holding down the home button, and then search, as ROM Manager's reboot into recovery wouldn't work. Once in recovery, there was no selection for backup/restore. Just the wipe functions and reboot now. Any hints?
Yea, I flashed ClockWorkMod Recovery a few times, but it just won't reboot into it. Could I try to recover through Rom Manager, or would that brick?
I was on FlyX, so I think it was 2.3.9. Whichever the first 2.2 leak was. I'm assuming going to RubiX didn't put me on the OTA, so I'll try to SBF. Out of curiousity, those that bricked their phones when trying to SBF from the OTA, does the new 2.2 SBF unbrick their phones or are people really STILL stuck with broken phones?
if you never went to 2.1 and accepted the OTA, then ur still on the leaked version.

the 2.2 SBF will not fix an actual "brick" but then again there are many definitions of brick...

do not try to fix ur phone by using the other SBF. it will cause more problems.
I'm back on 2.1 and rooted. Currently updating to a 2.2 leak and going to try Rubix again. Thanks again for all the help, couldn't have done it without it. Also, a big shout out to rootzwiki.com and their "the Bomb". What a nice "program".