I wish it was LOUDER! :disappointed:
The external or internal one? If you mean internal I would have to agree, I can't remember the last phone that I could hear very well on. External is more than loud enough for me though, I usually have to turn it down.
Try the app volume+ at the play store. I use it on my xyboard for boosting audio. I love it.
But for music, I use power amp. It has an adjustable pre- amp and different gain levels.hope this helps?
For free, there are apps like audio EQ, and several others...
thanks that volume+ app did the trick for the most part dancedroid
Ahh, that is one thing I learned from you a long time ago. My speaker phone works great after installing volume +. The one thing I'm not sure but almost was going to test it out...for the bass, treble, etc settings, should I adjust those or leave them alone?
Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
Hmm, interesting. I've noticed this huge difference between my 4s and RAZR MAXX as well. You know how after you get something better and you try to make it appear that the flaws are still ok? Heh, that's me. I've also noticed too with the speaker that the person gets a little static as if they're too damn loud on the phone.
94lt1 said:Lol, agreed. But you have to consider this, you're getting a ton of volume out of a tiny speaker. This thing has a loud speaker that's smaller than air tweeters in some peoples cars.:screwy: And as far as I know, its cone is paper, the speaker magnet is pretty strong from what I've heard (I'd like to actually see for my self) but in manufacturing like this, I'm not sure the speakers get the same quality control as the chips, and the screen and so on.
Infact something I've learned in my years of being in and around music is this, your ears can get tired too, a lot of producers and engineers only work a few hours a day because of this, could you imagine 8-12 hours of listening to these tiny things? :banghead: lol.
But you're absolutely right, both of my maxx's are very different animals when it comes to the sound they will produce. The older one has more highs, the newer one has a better mid range response, while my wife's is flat as a board. This is with all 3 set up exactly the same way.
My xyboard.... that's a horse of a different color. :thumbdown:
You are so right... you can't deny apple for having such superior products when it comes to PC's or ipods or ipads. Their whole purpose in iPod was music. And they just tweaked and added a few things to come up w an iPhone. If iPhones had the customization and flexibility that android does then I really don't think android would have a market. Android has to catch up in sound production for music b4 iPhone decides to become more customizable or they may lose their android fan base. But then again, allot of ppl choose iPhone simply for that reason...that it is easy without all the customization. So android just needs to catch up with music sound quality.
Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
Lol, agreed. But you have to consider this, you're getting a ton of volume out of a tiny speaker. This thing has a loud speaker that's smaller than air tweeters in some peoples cars.:screwy: And as far as I know, its cone is paper, the speaker magnet is pretty strong from what I've heard (I'd like to actually see for my self) but in manufacturing like this, I'm not sure the speakers get the same quality control as the chips, and the screen and so on.
Infact something I've learned in my years of being in and around music is this, your ears can get tired too, a lot of producers and engineers only work a few hours a day because of this, could you imagine 8-12 hours of listening to these tiny things? :banghead: lol.
But you're absolutely right, both of my maxx's are very different animals when it comes to the sound they will produce. The older one has more highs, the newer one has a better mid range response, while my wife's is flat as a board. This is with all 3 set up exactly the same way.
My xyboard.... that's a horse of a different color. :thumbdown:
EDIT: I'm very saddened to say this, but the difference in the iPhone 4s and any DROID as far as accurate music playback...... well that's the time that has been dedicated from IOS to just that. It breaks my heart that IOS is so far ahead of the game when it comes down to audio recording for music, or graphics design..... I had to buy an ipad3 just to get a really good recording interface with good playback.
With the I rig, I can record any instrument into an iPhone/pad through the headphone jack. They also have microphones and then the software like pro logic..... WOW... I'm blown away and I feel like a trader. But its not that I like IOS better for any reason cause I'm DROID through and through... but IOS has developed their interface for this purpose. Droid needs to do the same. I hate that there is absolutely nothing for android that will compete with the IOS setup.
I tried all sorts of apps for DROID, they recorded through the mic, not directly plugged... bad audio quality. But the apps were intuitive.
IOS, great audio quality, apps are also intuitive and have a far broader scope. Garage band, is a lower level app, but still stomps on android because of how you have to record on android. Fender fuse, free for me because I own a mustang 4 amp from fender.... better yet, all sorts of add ons and ways to manipulate your sound. LOGIC PRO, BEST recording app I've ever seen/used/heard of. Well worth the 200$ I spent on it, and it will interface with the fender software and recordings....
Please android, catch up!!!sorry, this is my plea. Android is just as good, If not better in many areas, but they just haven't spent the time on this like IOS has, and I wish that someone would. Heck call me up.. I'll help in development!!! If I can that is.