My nexus was perfect...


Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
But lately its been lagging a bit, most notably when I use the home button. All of the widgets will take a second to load, usually appearing 1 at a time. I've tried rebooting to clear out background apps but it doesn't help. I don't think its a rogue app because most of my apps are in the top 10 on the market. My phone didn't always do this, only the last few days. Anyone else experience this? Its a minor inconvenience but a bit embarrassing when I try to show it off to the gf

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I would delete all the widgets, clear the cache and data from the launcher and re-install all the widgets.
Have you tried a simple restart? Mine was lagging like crazy. I thought it was an app so I started uninstalling a bunch of apps but it just got worse. It did feel like a bad memory leak but once I restarted my phone, it was smooth as can be. I really hope this is something that can be fixed. I don't want to have to restart my phone every week just to have it running smoothly...
I second what oliver said. I reboot my phone every morning and to me it makes a world of difference.

And would definitelybe good to try what samiusmc suggested as well.
I have a cronjob reboot mine every Mon, Wed, and Sat, just in case.

It is a computer. Sometimes apps don't release memory as they should, sometimes an app can run wild, and sometimes the OS can try to over compensate.

At work I have my Oracle and Informatica servers reboot weekly for those reasons.
Sounds like a memory leak to me. The most infamous one I can remember was back on Windows 2.1.
Will likely be fixed with a patch to ICS.
agreed. Rebooting is great and since this phone only takes about 30 seconds to come back up I do it all the time.

I am still in awe of how quickly it happens. Tbolt was just dreadful.

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Look at the individual Apps in your Settings menu. I've found apps I thought were closed by swiping them away to still be running and I had to force-stop them there.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
If your running any battery saving app will cause that deleted all of mine now my phone is wicked fast.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
If it takes a long time when you press home, that means that the Launcher was forced out of memory - autokilled by Android. This was a major problem with the Droid - with only 256mb of ram, it didnt take long to run out of ram. With 1GB of memory in the Nexus, that *should* be a rare occurrence (give it time, though. A year from now we'll be saying how lame it is only having 1GB of ram)! Android is intelligent about what it kills. It's going to kill things that have no background processes first before it tries to kill your launcher.

This means that you have either a lot of other things in memory, or one or two very large things in memory. Download a task-killer (I know, crazy, right?) and use it to determine what the offender(s) are. I'm a fan of Watchdog, as it can watch memory and cpu use in real time. It's not a program I'd keep around - I'd just install it and use it for debugging this problem, then get rid of it. Chances are there's some random game or app you installed that is programmed poorly and is just wasting memory sitting around (or leaking memory!).

It's the blessing and curse of Android. You have the power to do whatever you want, which means that you're kind of at the mercy of whatever the app developers want if you want their apps. Pandora, for example, will sit in memory even if you never load it. Kill it and it comes right back. There's no reason for that! Figure out which app is the problem and uninstall it.
I said in the first post that I rebooted it several times guys ;) I have never messed with the launcher nor do I have any idea on how to mess with it. I'll try looking at a task killer, as I don't use any right now. But I still don't understand why it persists after a fresh restart

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I said in the first post that I rebooted it several times guys ;) I have never messed with the launcher nor do I have any idea on how to mess with it. I'll try looking at a task killer, as I don't use any right now. But I still don't understand why it persists after a fresh restart

Apps have the ability to load on boot, and many apps do just that. They claim that it's so they can check for updates, or enable you to receive notifications of events. If that is the issue, rebooting won't help, as apps will load themselves right back up again.

I should reiterate/clarify. I'm not suggesting that you start using a task killer regularly, and certainly not an automatic task killer. Just that you should use one as a one-shot deal because they are a good way to see what is in memory and how much resources it is using.
Wouldn't System Panel be a good app to find Rouge apps? It's got a really neat history feature...

EDIT: I just installed it and 100% changed my mind. This app is EXACTLY what you need. The historical memory consumption is a paid-only feature, but current use is probably enough for solving your problem.

I just installed it and it comes up to show applications that are "Active", "Service-Only", and "Inactive".

Ignore the "Inactive", as they taking up space in memory just because memory happens to have space (cached) - they will be kicked out as soon as you need the space.

"Active" applications should pretty much just include the Launcher and the app you are currently in (SystemPanel Lite)

"Service-Only" is where you'll find a lot of surprises. Things sitting in memory, claiming that they have to stay in memory and use CPU for some reason.

Some interesting processes running on my Nexus:
Amazon AppStore - taking up 26mb, probably so that it can automatically notify of updates. That's 26mb I'll never get back
LightFlow - Taking up 26mb as well. That's providing a useful service, but 26mb seems like a lot to make an LED light up.
Facebook Messenger - 28.1MB
Pure calendar Widget - 24.0MB
Rocket Bunnies - 23.7MB. RocketBunnies is a GAME. What is it doing in memory? I'm not playing it. I guess I'm uninstalling it now. (It is a fun game, but there's no reason for it to have a service)
Swype - 41.8MB. Yep, the keyboard takes up a lot of memory
Volume+ - 24.0MB. How much do you want volume?

Active: 81MB
Service-Only: 417.2MB

And this is when I'm not doing anything at all with the phone. Just sitting idle, I'm using more than twice the ram than my Motorola Droid even had available. Add a few more rogue apps and that number will creep up and become larger than the total memory - services and foreground apps (like the launcher) will swap in and out of memory, causing delays when you hit home when it has to restart launcher.
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