Well I didn't grant permission to Google to get into my account for that. It's a leaked Music player that isn't suppose to be out yet. So granting it permission would probably be risky.
If you're on the Artist tab, when you open up Music 3.0, you can scroll from left to right. Try going to the Songs tab, pick a song, long-press it, and a context box will pop up with 3 options (Play, Add to playlist, and More by artist). Click on Add to playlist. Another context box will pop up (New playlist..., and YourName Playlist). You can create a new playlist if you don't have one already. It will then put the songs in those playlist.
Another tip... while you are in that playlist, you can hit the Menu soft key and you will see 3 options (Shuffle all, Search, and Settings). You can use the Shuffle feature by clicking it and it will randomly play songs out of your playlist.